
Top 12 Hypoallergenic Cats That are Good with Dogs

Are you a pet lover who’s torn between the playful charm of dogs and the quiet elegance of cats? Or perhaps you’re an allergy sufferer who’s been told that you can’t have a pet because of it? Well, we have some good news for you! This blog post is all about hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs. Yes, you read that right! There are indeed certain breeds of cats that not only have a lower risk of triggering allergies but also get along well with their canine counterparts. So, sit back, relax, and let us guide you through the wonderful world of hypoallergenic cats that could potentially become the perfect addition to your dog-loving household. Stay tuned!

Hypoallergenic Cat breeds That are Good with Dogs

Understanding Hypoallergenic Cats

When we talk about cat allergies, we’re actually referring to an allergic reaction to a specific protein known as Fel d 1. This protein is found in cat saliva and dander, which are tiny flakes of dead skin. Now, here’s where hypoallergenic cats come into the picture. These special breeds produce less of the Fel d 1 protein compared to other cats. This means that when they groom themselves, there’s less of this protein to spread around your home. As a result, people who are typically sensitive to cats might find that they have fewer allergic reactions around these hypoallergenic breeds. So, if you’re an allergy sufferer, these cats could be the purr-fect solution for you!

12 Hypoallergenic Cats That Are Good with Dogs

siberian cat

1. Siberian Forest

The Siberian Forest Cat is a large and muscular breed with a semi-longhaired coat that comes in various colors and patterns. Despite their substantial size, they are known for their gentle and affectionate nature. Siberians have a triple-layered coat that is water-resistant, making them well-suited for cold climates. They are intelligent, playful, and enjoy interactive play with their human companions.

Other names: Moscow Semi-longhair

Origin: Russia

Temperament: Affectionate, Gentle, Playful

Size: Large

Coat: Semi-longhair, Triple-layered, Various colors and patterns

Lifespan: 12-20 years

Weight: Male: 12-18 pounds, Female: 8-12 pounds

Russian Blue Cat with dog

2. Russian Blue

The Russian Blue is a striking breed known for its plush, dense, blue-gray coat and vivid green eyes. They have a sleek and elegant build with a fine-boned structure. Russian Blues are typically reserved with strangers but form strong bonds with their family members. They are intelligent, curious, and enjoy observing their surroundings from a safe distance.

Other names: Archangel Blue, Archangel Cat

Origin: Russia

Temperament: Reserved, Intelligent, Observant

Coat: Short, Plush, Blue-gray

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 15-20 years

Weight: Male: 10-12 pounds, Female: 7-10 pounds

Abyssinian Cat

3. Abyssinian

The Abyssinian is a slender and athletic breed with a short, ticked coat that gives them a wild appearance. They have large, expressive eyes and large ears that contribute to their alert and curious expression. Abyssinians are known for their playful and active nature, often seeking out opportunities for exploration and adventure. They are highly social cats that thrive on interaction and companionship, making them excellent candidates as hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs.

Common nicknames: Abys

Origin: Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia

Temperament: Playful, Active, Social

Coat: Short, Ticked, Various colors (e.g., ruddy, red, blue, fawn)

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Weight: Male: 8-10 pounds, Female: 6-8 pounds

Oriental Shorthair Cat

4. Oriental Shorthair

The Oriental Shorthair is a sleek and elegant breed with a slender body, large ears, and almond-shaped eyes. They come in a variety of coat colors and patterns, ranging from solid to tabby and everything in between. Orientals are known for their vocal nature and love to communicate with their human companions. They are intelligent, active, and thrive on social interaction.

Other names: Foreign Type

Origin: United States

Temperament: Vocal, Intelligent, Social

Coat: Short, Various colors and patterns

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 10-15 years

Weight: Male: 8-12 pounds, Female: 6-10 pounds

Devon Rex Cat

5. Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a unique-looking breed with a slender body, large ears, and a curly coat that feels like soft suede. They have a playful and mischievous personality, often seeking out new adventures and forms of entertainment. Devons are highly affectionate and enjoy being close to their human companions, often perching on shoulders or laps for warmth and companionship, making them potential best friends for canine companions.

Origin: England

Temperament: Playful, Affectionate, Mischievous

Coat: Short, Curly

Size: Small to Medium

Lifespan: 9-15 years

Weight: Male: 6-9 pounds, Female: 5-7 pounds

Cornish Rex Cat

6. Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is a distinctive breed with a slender and muscular body, large ears, and a short, wavy coat that feels like crushed velvet. They have an energetic and outgoing personality, often engaging in playful antics and seeking out attention from their human companions. Cornish Rex cats are known for their dog-like loyalty and ability to form strong bonds with their families.

Origin: United States

Other names: Rex, Corny/Cornies

Temperament: Energetic, Outgoing, Loyal

Coat: Short, Wavy

Size: Small to Medium

Lifespan: 10-15 years

Weight: Male: 6-10 pounds, Female: 5-8 pounds

Khao Manee cat

7. Khao Manee

The Khao Manee is a striking breed with a pure white coat and jewel-like blue or odd-colored eyes. They have a graceful and elegant appearance, with a muscular build and expressive eyes. Khao Manees are known for their affectionate and loving nature, often forming strong bonds with their human companions. They are intelligent and enjoy interactive play and mental stimulation, making them wonderful candidates as hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs.

Origin: Thailand, Bangkok 

Other names:  Khao Plort (solid-white), Diamond Eye

Temperament: Affectionate, Intelligent, Graceful

Coat: Short, Pure white

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 10-15 years

Weight: Male: 8-12 pounds, Female: 6-10 pounds

Burmese cat

8. Burmese

The Burmese is a compact and muscular breed with a short, glossy coat that comes in various colors, including sable, champagne, blue, and platinum. They have expressive eyes and a sweet, affectionate disposition. Burmese cats are known for their social nature and love to be involved in household activities. They form strong bonds with their families and are often described as “dog-like” in their loyalty and devotion.

Origin: Burma

Temperament: Affectionate, Social, Devoted

Coat: Short, Glossy

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 10-16 years

Weight: Male: 8-12 pounds, Female: 6-10 pounds

Singapura cat

9. Singapura

The Singapura is one of the smallest cat breeds, known for its petite size and large, expressive eyes. They have a short, ticked coat that ranges in color from sepia to ivory. Singapuras are affectionate and playful cats that enjoy being the center of attention. They are intelligent and curious, often exploring their surroundings with enthusiasm.

Origin: Singapore

Other names: Drain Cat, Kucinta, Kopitiam Cat

Temperament: Affectionate, Playful, Curious

Coat: Short, Ticked

Size: Small

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Weight: Male: 4-8 pounds, Female: 4-6 pounds

Sphynx Cat

10. Sphynx

Hairless and full of personality, Sphynx cats are a unique choice for allergy sufferers. These energetic and playful cats love to cuddle and can keep up with the energy of a dog. Their lack of fur makes them minimal shedders, reducing allergy triggers. However, Sphynx cats require special care due to their sensitive skin, making them excellent candidates as hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs.

Origin: Canada

Temperament: Energetic, Playful, Affectionate

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 8-14 years

Weight: 6-12 pounds

Balinese cat

11. Balinese

Playful Siamese-like breeds with silky single coats that require minimal brushing. Known for being social butterflies, they can easily adapt to living with a dog. Their minimal shedding and gentle personalities make them a good choice for allergy sufferers seeking a social and affectionate feline companion for their dog.

Origin: United States

Other names: Long-haired Siamese, Thai Siamese

Temperament: Playful, Social, Gentle

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 12-15 years

Weight: Male: 7-10 pounds, Female: 5-8 pounds

Bombay Cat

12. Bombay

Striking all-black beauties with captivating copper eyes, Bombay cats are known for their sleek, short coats that shed minimally. These intelligent and curious felines are highly adaptable and can thrive in multi-pet households with dogs. Their affectionate nature and playful personalities make them potential best friends for canine companions, positioning them as excellent hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs.

Origin: United States

Common Nicknames: Parlor Panther

Temperament: Intelligent, Curious, Affectionate

Size: Medium

Lifespan: 15-20 years

Weight: Male: 7-10 pounds, Female: 5-7 pounds

Making the Introduction Smooth

Even after finding the purrfect hypoallergenic match for your dog, a smooth introduction is key to creating a harmonious multi-pet household. To ease the transition, start by allowing your cat and dog to sniff each other through a closed door or a barrier like a baby gate. This initial scent exchange allows them to get accustomed to each other’s presence in a safe, controlled environment. Once they seem comfortable, supervise their first face-to-face interactions. Keep them on leashes or harnesses for better control and watch for any signs of aggression. Reward both animals with treats and praise when they exhibit calm and curious behavior.

Remember, successful introductions take time and patience. Provide separate, cozy spaces like crates or designated rooms for your cat and dog to retreat to if they feel overwhelmed during the process. This allows them to de-stress and gradually adjust to sharing their space.


So, you’ve learned about all these amazing hypoallergenic cats that are good with dogs! No more worries about allergies stopping you from having a purrfect feline friend for your dog. Remember, these breeds are known for being low-shedding and generally good-natured around dogs, making them great choices for creating a harmonious multi-pet home.

Selecting the ideal breed is contingent upon your lifestyle and personal preferences. If you’re looking for a cuddly companion, consider the Burmese or Siamese. For a playful and energetic cat, the Abyssinian or Devon Rex might be a great fit.

No matter which breed you choose, with a little patience and supervision during introductions, your dog and new cat can become the best of friends. Welcome to the wonderful world of hypoallergenic cats and happy pet parenting!


Which cat is the most dog-like?

Two breeds frequently described as “most dog-like” are the Burmese and the Sphynx. Burmese cats are known for their loyalty, devotion, and playful energy, while Sphynx cats are social, crave attention, and even enjoy playing fetch!

Are there truly hypoallergenic cat breeds?

While no cat breed is 100% allergen-free, some breeds produce less of the Fel d 1 protein that triggers allergies in humans. These breeds are commonly known as “hypoallergenic.”

Which hypoallergenic cat breeds are best with dogs?

Many hypoallergenic cats can get along well with dogs! This list includes breeds known for their friendly and adaptable personalities, making them good companions for canine housemates.

I’m allergic to cats, but I love dogs. Can I really have a cat?

If you have mild allergies, owning a hypoallergenic cat breed might be a possibility. Remember, it’s important to spend time with the specific cat you’re considering to gauge your individual allergic reaction. Consulting with an allergist is always recommended before bringing a new pet home.

What are some things to consider when introducing a cat to a dog?

When introducing a cat to a dog, take things slow! Let them get acquainted through a barrier like a baby gate, then supervise all interactions and reward good behavior with treats. Most importantly, provide separate spaces for your cat and dog to retreat to if they feel overwhelmed during the process.

What are some other tips for living with hypoallergenic cats and dogs?

To minimize allergens and create a harmonious home for both your hypoallergenic cat and dog, remember these quick tips: Brush your cat regularly, wash your hands after playtime, and consider air purifiers to reduce allergens in the air.

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